
A Sweet Strawberry Shortcake with Sunrise!

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Strawberry shortcake is a delicious and refreshing dessert that everyone LOVES. It tastes scrumptious any time of day and has minimal ingredients, making it simple to make. Sunrise Food Service has all of the ingredients needed to create this masterpiece of a treat! 

For the filling, all that is needed are strawberries and sugar. Chopping up the strawberries and mixing with sugar helps the strawberries release all of their delicious juices, which will seep into the biscuits and cream. A mix will make it quick and easy to prepare for your operation. All that is needed is water to create fluffy and delicious biscuits with real buttermilk, giving it a rich flavor and aroma that will keep your customers coming back for more. The final ingredient of strawberry shortcake, the whipped cream, is simply made with heavy cream, sugar and vanilla extract.


Sunrise Food Service is here for all your baking needs! Contact a Sunrise rep TODAY for more information on how our products can help your operation.

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