
General Mills: Making Food the World Loves

For over a hundred years, General Mills has milled the flour that people rely on to make everything from family favorites to new and inspired creations. They put their best into everything they do—so your business can thrive.

General Mills Flour Today

Just as every baker has a great formula, every great formula has Gold Medal Flour. Flour is the product of milling and sifting high-quality wheat berries into a fine powder. But there’s a little more to it than that. The type of formula you can make depends on the type of flour, which depends on the type of wheat. Hard wheat, which is high in protein, is ideal for bread. Soft wheat, which is lower in gluten-forming proteins, is perfect for cakes. Check out our flours below at www.GeneralMillsCF.com and get nutritional info, fun facts, and some delicious formula ideas.

Why General Mills Flour

Here are four reasons why YOU need General Mills flour for delicious cakes, cupcakes, and more!

  1. Started as a flour mill – and we still mill to the same tight specs that won us the “gold medal” award in 1880. This ensures a consistent top-quality product every time.
  2. We have a nationwide dedicated flour sales force to partner with you.
  3. Our experienced Quality Control team ensures safe and reliable product from the grain fields to your kitchen.
  4. We have a broad portfolio of flour products that will meet the demanding expectations of bakers, pizzaiolos and product manufacturers.

Sunrise Food Service is immensely proud to have General Mills as a preferred vendor partner. We strive to only serve our customers the finest baking ingredients there are, and the products from General Mills play a key role in delivering on that mission.

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